Community & Pastoral Care


As the body of Christ, we support one another other in times of need and celebration through community and pastoral care. For community and pastoral care needs, please call the church office at
(423) 745-2224 or email

What is community care?

Community care is all of the ways that our parish offers care and support to its members. Much of this happens informally, through connections at worship or in formation, through praying for one another as part of a parish family. Some community care takes place through organized lay ministries.

The Prayer Chain is a text-based connection to members of the church who have committed to pray for each other in times of need and celebration.

Lay Eucharistic Visitors are lay persons authorized to take consecrated communion elements to members of the congregation who, because of illness or other limitation, were unable to join the congregation for worship.

Feed My Sheep is a meal ministry for the “bookends of life.” Parishioners bring a meal on the occasions of welcoming a new child into a family or the death of a close family member.

What is pastoral care?

Pastoral care is spiritual care offered by a licensed lay pastoral caregiver or clergy. Mtr. Claire Brown is available to schedule appointments for pastoral care during her office hours, Monday – Thursday, 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. The priest offers conversation and prayer, makes hospitals and home visits, and supports individuals and families through life transitions, celebrations, and bereavement.

Weddings at St. Paul’s are available for members and non-members.
You can learn more about our wedding liturgy and practices, as well as building use here.

Funerals at St. Paul’s are available for members.
You can learn more and find our funeral planning sheet here.

Emergency Pastoral Care
If you are experiencing an emergency, please call 911.
Pastoral care calls outside of typical church office hours should be reserved for occasions of life-threatening situations and medical emergencies, or when someone is actively dying and would like to receive the Ministration at the Time of Death (last rites). Please call 615-801-4720 for emergency pastoral care.