Children and Youth


Why do we call it “formation”?

We use the word “formation” to describe our education programs because the Christian faith is a lifelong process of being formed by the Holy Spirit to live more like Jesus.

Weekly Worship

All children and youth are encouraged to participate in Sunday morning worship. This is the best way to grow in faith and be loved by our community at every age, but especially in early years.

Elementary and pre-school aged worshippers are encouraged to grab a worship bag or children’s bulletin on Sunday mornings, and to join in "Children’s Chapel,” a Godly Play lesson in the small chapel for kids following the gospel reading.

Children and youth age 8+ are invited to serve as readers and acolytes for Sunday worship. Please contact Mtr. Claire or Ms. Liv about acolyte training and schedules.

Serving in Worship

Youth Group

On Sunday evenings, youth 6th–12th grades meet for a time of food, fellowship, Bible study, games, and outreach. This year we’ll be using the Fathom curriculum to dig into the Bible. Youth group members can also be added to the Youth GroupMe for updates, or reach out with any questions, by contacting Liv Cook.

Children’s Sunday School

This fall, our children’s Sunday School will meet each week downstairs in a one-room format for ages 5 – 11. Our curriculum this year is Celebrate Wonder from Cokesbury, a Bible-centered approach that will help kids grow in their knowledge of scripture, creativity and wonder at its meaning for their lives, and love of God and their community.


Nursery is provided for children ages 6 mo — 4 years during Sunday school and the 10:30 service.