Adult Formation

Why do we call it “formation”?

We use the word “formation” to describe our education programs because the Christian faith is a lifelong process of being formed by the Holy Spirit to live more like Jesus.

Adult Sunday School

Adult Sunday School gathers every week at 9:15 a.m. in the parish hall to study scripture, theology, spirituality, and special topics.

Love, Period. Book Club

This bimonthly gathering reads fiction and nonfiction by women authors. The next meeting is March 6th at 7:00 p.m., and the group will be discussing Yale Needs Women.

EFM (Education for Ministry)

Education for Ministry (EfM) is a four-year program offered through the School of Theology of The University of the South. St. Paul’s has a dynamic group of students who meet weekly from September—May, working to discover their personal ministries through reading, studying, discussing, sharing experiences, and reflecting theologically. Sharon Crittenden and Beth Gandy are the group’s mentors. Contact them to learn more or join EfM.

12 Step Programs

St. Paul’s Church has strong connections to the Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, and Al Anon groups in Athens.

You can learn more about the 12 Steps here.

St. Paul’s HAtS (House Across The Street) hosts 5 NA meetings each week: Sunday at 3PM, Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. at 8pm, and Tuesday at Noon.

The Grace House hosts AA meetings on Wednesday mornings at 8am and Saturday nights at 8pm.

Al Anon meets on Tuesday nights at 7pm at Keith Memorial United Methodist Church.

Maus Book Conversation

On February 3rd, St. Paul’s welcomed members of the larger county community and supporters far and near for a meaningful conversation about the book Maus, Holocaust studies, visual storytelling, and our social and spiritual responsibilities as Christians encountering this text. Thanks to Dr. Jack Seitz, Nate Powell, and the Rev. Dr. Lauren Winner for supporting our learning and dialoge.