

What are services at st. Paul’s like?

The typical service of worship at our church includes prayers, reading from the Old and New Testaments, a sermon, and communion, which we call Eucharist. Baptized Christians of all church backgrounds and ages are welcome to receive communion.

The 8:00 service is a Rite I Eucharist, a quiet, spoken service with traditional language and communion.

The 10:30 service is a Rite II Eucharist, a service with music, children’s chapel, and communion.

You can also learn more about Episcopal worship here, watch our previous services online and streamed here, or see this digital exploration of the Eucharist, How2Charist, made by the Rev. Callie Swanlund here.

does this church welcome children? Really?

Families with children are joyfully welcomed to all of our church services. We know young ones can be wiggly and loud, and we love that about them! They bring life, humor, and curiosity to our faith community.

You can find coloring supplies for kids at outdoor and indoor services. Rev. Claire, our rector, and Liv, our children and youth minister, are always available to chat with you and your children about any church and God questions you or they might have.

Do I need to wear anything special? do I need to bring anything?

Some people wear their Sunday best and others are more casual. Come as you are!

We have bulletins or prayer books for your use in worship, but if you’d like to bring your own Bible or prayer book that’s great too!