Ministry on Sundays


In the rhythms of our community life and weekly worship, there are many opportunities to volunteer and get involved. Check out these ways to serve in ministry each Sunday at St. Paul’s, and contact the church office at 423-745-2224 or to volunteer.


Ushers welcome folks to worship and are responsible for checking the building during worship, counting attendees, and bringing forward the offering.

Lay Eucharistic Ministers

Trained and licensed Eucharistic ministers support in the liturgy and assist in the distribution of communion. If you would like to learn more and receive training to serve as a Lay Eucharistic Minister, Mtr. Claire is happy to meet with you!

Lectors read scripture and/or prayers during worship.


Youth & Children’s Ministries

Children’s Sunday School Assistants and Youth Group Support volunteers support Liv and provide loving, joyful presence to kids in our parish.
All volunteers with children and youth must be trained in Safeguarding God’s Children.

Coffee hour is a special time for fellowship before Christian formation. Volunteers make coffee, set out snacks, and tidy up the kitchen after coffee hour.

Coffee Hour Hosts